Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So we left Sao Paulo last night at about 5 pm...we sat in the bus station for 2 hours and drank and played cards until the bus got there...the bus ride was loooooooong! we arrived in Maringa at 4:30 am! Maringa is really nice..its a smaller town of only about 300,000 people..its hotter here too which is nice! BUT...there is dengue and yellow fever here so you cant wear shorts or flip flops :( I got bit by a mosquito today within 30 minutes of being outside! Uh-oh!!

We went to the University here and had a joint class with students from here in Brazil...we are going to Dinner now so when I get back I will fill you in on the academic part of my trip...also I'll add more pictures adn maybe do a video if Elizabeth lets me!


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