Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cucumbers and Nutella sandwiches

We have arrived at our final destination!! of the infamous Bus Rapid Transit System! We left Floripa on Sunday afternoon and had a 4 hour bus ride to Curitiba...our shortest ride yet! Liz and I are of course sharing an apartment which is actually nice...luckily we are on the first floor so i dont have to treck up 12 flights of stairs like i had to in Sao Paulo!! We have a balcony and the view of the city is really good from our window...we also have a normal sized bathroom (!) and 2 rooms - one with our beds and one with a mini kitchenette (included: stove, sink, and refrigerator), a breakfast table and a couch. We have a pool and a churascurria at the top floor and the views from up there are amazing! The past 2 days have been jam packed with shcool was nice having 4 days off for vacation but back to reality now i guess....or maybe not....Great news!!! Liz, Jess and myself are going to Rio on Friday!!!!!!!
I cannot wait...we found super cheap flights and an even cheaper hostel so we leave friday at 7:30 am and return on Monday night...we will be staying in Ipanema :)

Ok so let me backtrack and fill you in on the past week....
So while in Florianopolis we had an amazing time as you saw from my previous post...the last 2 days there we went sand dune boarding! We walked about a half hour from our place and there were these GIANT sand nothing I have ever seen before! They overlooked a good part of the island so you could see the ocean on one side and the lagoon on the other side...the first day we saw the sunset which was gorgeous! and the second day we woke up and went sand dune boarding! Its just like snow boarding but on sand...and its actually much easier although I still fell ALOT! I will post the video of one of my runs down the dune!

On monday I finally did laundry...clean clothes at last!!! I also went food shopping...hence the reason for the blog post title..that is what I have been eating for the past two nights! Im wierd, I know...but I am also running out of money fast! In the afternoon we went to the bus station and had a lecture on the BRT! Ill post some pics below....
Yesterday and today we had lectures and tours the whole day ( 8:30 to ~5:30). Its kind of crunch time with our projects because we only have 3 weeks left believe it or not! Good news is I got my proposal back and everything is good to go....Also the lectures have pertained to my subject which was a plus. We visited the Secretary of Urbanism and IPPUC... For those who may not know..IPPUC is responsible for Curitibas urban planning initiatives...its where it alllllll happens!! Then today we had a lecture on favelas and public housing in Curitiba...we also visited the favelas this afternoon....
Talk about a sobering experience....I have heard all about poverty in developing countries, studied it, done research on it, etc., etc. But to actualy see it is another thing. Its mind blowing... I have some pictures that I will post but they do no justice to the conditions that these Curitibanos (sp?) live in. It is especially harsh because they collect garbage and sort out the recylcing (in and outside their homes) for a living as part of the "Trash that is not trash" recycling for initiative here in Curitiba. I felt a little uncomfortable being there just because there was about 15 of us out there wandering their neighborhood taking pictures like they were a tourist attraction. I really wish I could have talked to some of the residents, especially why we were there and about our research projects, etc. Seeing favelas and poverty like I saw today really made me think about my situation and how lucky I am. It also makes me very happy that I chose to do something with my life that I love.
Never take anything for granted people!

Ok well I must go be a good student and research some literature before I head off to bed...I am gonna post some pictures and videos from the last couple of days...Enjoy!!
See you when I get back from Rio!!!!


Pictures and Videos I promised:

One of the bus stop "tubes" in Curitiba:

A rickshaw in one of the favelas in Curitiba, used for transporting the garbage and recyclables:
Homes in one of Curitiba's favelas (not the one of the worst ones...):
Love the recycling options available in Curitiba! (Paper, Plastic, Aluminum, Glass, and Organic!):
Biggest bird I have EVER seen! In one of Curitibas many public parks:Some of the group in Florianopolis at Fortaleza de Sao Jose da ponta crossa:The sand dune boarding crew (Me, Eric, Elly, Kevin, and Jess):
This was halfway through the weekend vacation while in Florianopolis. I count 16 bottles of vino!

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