Saturday, May 10, 2008

I made it!!

Yay! I made it to Brazilllll!!! After an 8-hour long plane ride, we finally landed in Sau Paulo! The fight was long and boring, but Liz and I had fun (probably while pissing the other passengers off..Oh well, what did you expect?!)

Anyways, this country is awesome! We are in Sao Paulo until Monday night and then we head off to Maringa.  Some of the people went out last night to a local spot....we met some Brazilians, attempted to speak Portuguese but ended up speaking Spanish, and took pictures with mannequins at a gas station...All-in-all I would say it was a pretty successful night! I showed Brazil what Maud is all about!! Haha...

Today we walked around the city and it is huuuuuge! I took a million pictures and will post some for your viewing pleasure :) Miss you all mucho...hope you aren't having too much fun without me! In the meantime I am gonna head out now.....Chao!   

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